Building Community via Art-Making
Zine Fest '23
YAP was once again invited to Philly Zine Fest at Temple University. We sold so many zines and journals! Thanks to everyone who came out and supported us.
Special shoutout to YAP Fam Members Gabby, Kris, and Kevelis for holding it down and representing YAP!

Gay Field Day 2023
GFD was a blast! Thanks to everyone who came out even though the weather tried to shut us down! We had button making, pumpkin painting, a plant station, and even had some sports games going on (the kickball game was very intense lol). Special thanks to Temple American Marketing Association for volunteering and Prevention Meets Fashion for doing a clothing giveaway!

Fall Arts Fest
YAP attended the Kimmel cultural campus’ free Fall Arts Fest!
LTA’s Gabby and Ivy and new YAP Fam Member Kev attended the event to represent YAP and did a great job!
Big thanks to Kimmel Cultural Campus for inviting us!

Art Mart 2!
Future is Us Collective invited us to collaborate on a Young People's Art Mart once again at Pentridge Station in West Philly. It was such an amazing event. It was great to see everyone come out and learn about new programs and businesses created by youth and young adults!

YAP x People's Paper Co-op x Philly Community Bail Fund
Once again for our annual collaboration with the PCBF, we screen printed tote bags that we designed in collaboration with the cohort of formerly incarcerated women at the PPC and thanks once again Second State Press where we screen printed the tote bags!
Shoutout one of our Lead Teaching Artists, Sophie for once again making our ideas come to life with her amazing drawing.

Winter Art Auction'22
We got to auction off great art for our 2022 Winter Auction with new participants!

Gay Field Day '22
Another year, another Gay Field Day slay! We got to meet new interested participants for the program and got to run around and get to know each other on a nice October day
Special Guests: Prevention Meets Fashion & Vote That Jawn

Zine Fest '22
One of our LTA's Ingrid and our Social Media Coordinator Ella went to the 2022 Zine Fest @ Temple University! Due to this, YAP's zine's will now be in UPenn and Temple's zine libraries for every to see!

YAP x Future Is Us Collective x Creative Resilience Youth
Future is Us Collective invited us to collaborate on a Young People's Art Mart: a way to celebrate young makers and artists in Philly. We co-hosted a festival where our participants got an opportunity to sell their artwork!

YAP x People's Paper Co-op x Philly Community Bail Fund
Back for our annual collaboration with the PCBF, we screen printed tote bags that we designed in collaboration with the cohort of formerly incarcerated women at the PPC. Thank you to Second State Press where we screen printed the tote bags!

Workshop: Photography
Lead Teaching Artists led a workshop on analog (film) and digital photography. A big perk of having our studio at Crane Arts is that we can collaborate with other organizations in the building. We collaborated with TILT Institute for Photography to use their education equipment for the digital cameras and learned to edit photographs.

YAP Gets a Kiln!
That's right! We have a working kiln and lots of clay. Interested in making clay? Perfect place to experiment

YAP x Prevention Meets Fashion
We annually partner with Prevention Meets Fashion on their Condom Fashion Show. We use this as an opportunity to talk through sexual health & safety as well as a collaborative creative projects to make clothes with out-of-service condoms.

Winter Art Auction
Finally! We were able to host our annual winter art auction in-person at our beautiful studio <3

Workshop: Fat Bodies
LTA Kris Hill led us in in Fat Bodies workshop where she shared her experiences and encouraged participants to learn how to draw full-figured bodies, curves, and body rolls and love their bodies.

Workshop: Portrait Drawing
Lead Teaching Artists led participants in a portrait drawing lesson

YAP x PeopleHood March
Each year, we kick-off our program by participating in PeopleHood March and making sculptural pieces. In 2021, we painted houses that we wore during the community march.

YAP x Philadelphia Community Bail Fund Journals
The Young Artist Program created reflective notebooks for mamas and caregivers coming home from Philadelphia Prisons.
The notebooks are available for preorder for $25 each.
Proceeds from the notebooks go to supporting The Young Arts Program and the Philadelphia Community Bail Fund

YAP x CRY x DSM 215 Art Exhibition
The Young Artist Program collaborated with Creative Resilience Youth to create and organize a public art exhibition at the Cherry Street Pier in June 2021.

Pillow-Affirmation Embroidery Workshop
We invite artists and makers to come as Guest Teaching Artists.
For this workshop, our LTA Ivy-yon Jackson led us in an embroidery workshop by making pillows with words of affirmation.

Young Futurist Studies Series
In 2021, YAP participated in the The Young Futurist Studies Series led by Ras Stanford of Deep Space Mind 215 (DSM215) to explore youth-led wellness innovations with collaborators at Creative Resilient Youth (CRY).
The Youth Futurism Series focuses on World Building and the concept of Futurisms in order to imagine inclusive futures filled with safety, care and joy.

YAP BONANZA Holiday Art Auction
Each December, we organize an art auction of the artworks we created to fundraise for YAP's expenses and more!

Gay Field Day
An annual kick-off to our programs: a day spent in community with our participants playing games, making art, and enjoying ourselves